
Tips for writing success, if you want to be a published writer!

If you want to self publish or even go the traditional route, I am here to help!

An image of Talina Adamo's Novel, Coupons & Dreams in both paperback and ebook format. Several books and an eBook sitting on a wooden desk with a brown and blackened background. The front and back cover of the book are shown in the image.
—> My first published, Book! Coupons & Dreams. Available on Amazon!

Tip #1. Follow your Passion, Write if that is what makes you HAPPY! Do not write solely for Money $.

I am very new to the world of novel writing, as I have been in the film industry smashing keys for screenplays in many genres for a long time. Storytelling in any form is my passion in life, at least that is what I have come to believe since my childhood. Writing makes me feel happy!

If having a writing career is truly what will make you happy, then lets make it EPIC! Never write JUST TO MAKE MONEY$ let money be the inevitable BONUS that comes with it.

Money is definitely needed for our survival, so we always have to have a strategy and plan to make sure we can pay our bills and keep a roof over our heads. So, don’t rush to quit your day job until you have a steady flow of money coming in, and a plan to keep it coming.

One of the best ways to ensure the flow of money with your books is to keep writing. Content, content, content. Write a series of books, write more, and then some more.

Tip #2. Learn from your mistakes, but better yet, learn from other people’s mistakes and avoid them if possible.

I have learned a lot over the years in screenwriting and filmmaking, mostly from my mistakes. So, don’t be afraid to make your own mistakes, they are the best learning tools and they build character. But, if you want to try to avoid a few, I hope this helps.

Follow other published authors online and even some new writers sharing their journey! You can learn a lot by following others and watching their writing/publishing steps, both their failures and successes. I follow several Authors and Author Tubers on YouTube and other social media platforms.

They are by far the best source of knowledge I have had in my career, aside from my teachers in school. I also follow other filmmakers as well for this same reason. Learning from each other and supporting each other is key!

Tip #3. Make a Publishing Plan & Run with it! Always be prepared for the winds to change!

Having a plan in place is the best way to assure you are heading in the right direction. Get all your online ducks in a row, website, email, newsletter, other online social media platform/s of your choice, and the platform/s you plan to publish your book/s on as well.

Knowing your goals ahead of time, helps you organize your to do list, and get them done! Consider taking a few publishing courses before you jump into releasing your book to the world. You could prevent yourself from making some tragic mistakes to your book sales.

For example … I took an amazing course with Sarra Cannon called, “Publish & Thrive”. She taught me that it is far better to release a series of books back to back, two to six months apart, to ensure a good sales technique that keeps readers coming back for more. I just wished I knew this before I published my first book.

As apposed to only launching one book like I did, and then crickets for the next year or more, her approach made so much more sense to me. My first book launch is a long story I will share soon, but for now, I will just say, it could have done much better.

Standing still in the writing world can be hazardous to your book sales, unless you are promoting the heck out of your one book like your life depended on it. However,

I am sure even one book could be very successful, if that is all you have in you, or all you desire to do. But, the more residual income you can create, the better! The reader loved book one, came back for book two, three and four and so on. You get the picture.

Be ready for the winds of change and leave yourself open to readjust your sails. Online platforms can change in the drop of a dime, fans might have a desire that changes the way books are read. For example, you have a few books out that were selling well, but all of a sudden, the world is too busy to read any more. They want video or audio content to listen to your books now.

You have to consider the options to create they new forms of products for them. I doubt all readers will ever stop reading physical or digital books in their e-readers, but placing your eggs in more than one basket it always good. And, placing your eggs in all the baskets is best. I want to make sure I get my books in as many formats as possible, assuring I can reach as many readers as possible.

Tip #4. Write what you love! 🥰

Just like tip #1, never just write a book about something that is selling like hot cakes. Make sure you truly love what you are writing, because … if it does sell well and readers everywhere love it soooo much, they will want more from you.

You will quickly find yourself saying yes to their requests and write another book in that genre you do not really enjoy writing, and that can become a life suck for you. My advice, write what you love and find those readers out there who love what you write. You cannot go wrong following your heart. <3

Tip # 5. Never Give Up!

Writing can sometimes be easy, and other times it can be really hard. Everyone has an opinion or a suggestion or even a bad review on your book. Don’t let discouraging moments in time, or not so nice people bring you down or make you give up. Learn that you are never going to please everyone, and if you have to please anyone, why not start with yourself.

Write your heart out about stories that bring you joy, and in so doing, you will inevitably bring others joy who are on the same wavelength as you and want to be your fan! Never give up! Never give in! And NEVER stop writing, because the world needs you!

And there, you have it … just a few encouraging tips for writing success!

I have a lot more writing tips in me. If you want to learn more and feel inspired, head on over to my YouTube Channel below. My new series called, “The Story Makers” is all about writing! Check it out and subscribe if you like it.

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